• My Holistic Story

  • I really do believe that my path was paved early on. Before I was born, my parents had the good fortune of encountering what most would call a ‘kooky’ woman, who told them they should never vaccinate their children. She then referred them to read a book that was written in the late 1800’s by a German doctor who had been curing people of deadly diseases, including leprosy, using wholesome eating and water therapy. He swore that the body heals itself and that all we need to do is give the body what it needs to do so. When my parents read the book, it changed their lives and paved the course that my life would later take, even though I was not yet born.

    Once I arrived in this world, true to the information my parents had discovered, I was not vaccinated, nor was I ever given anything to reduce my fevers (other than an ice bath if they got too high), antibiotics, or anything to get rid of headaches in my teenage years. Truth be told, I got the usual immune-building colds, but as I got into my teenage years, I didn’t really get sick. It wasn’t until I mucked up my body with the ‘pill’ that I started experiencing an extreme decline in my health status. It was so extreme that in my early 20’s, after having dealt with many weeks of bizarre occurrences of swellings, I was confronted by a two-week period of time where I was having such painful swellings in my joints, that I couldn’t even walk – I was literally crawling from room-to-room. Fear set in and I got a first-hand view of Western medical guesswork. I had test after test, I got my first-ever dose of antibiotocs (which made me so much worse), was placed in a cast, the reason for which no one could explain to me, and was shuttled from one question mark to another.

    Finally, after feeling so dis-empowered, I decided to take my health into my own hands, go back to trusting my roots, and made an appointment with a well-known homeopath who thankfully agreed to see me right away (he had a six-month waiting list!). He got me to a certain point on my healing path and I then stumbled upon an unconventional nutritionist. This is where I first experienced muscle testing and I realized that my body could answer questions for me. I learned that I was eating all wrong, that I was reactive to soy, that table salt is a poison, that fluoride in toothpaste is also a powerful poison, and that I had candida (thanks to the antibiotics that were given to me for no good clinical reason!). I took every supplement that my body indicated that it wanted, did a radical candida diet, and completely changed my lifestyle. It took a while, but it worked!

    Although I had experienced chiropractic as a child, I later discovered a chiropractor who took the time to explain to me how important chiropractic care and spinal health is in the holistic approach to health. I was in a miserable and stressful job and found that the stress caused me to fall out of adjustment very easily. There were times where I saw my chiropractor twice in a day and I usually saw him three to five times per week! For nearly three years he practically pounded me over the head telling me to go to chiropractic school – that I was made for it. The thought of going back to school, let alone a schooling that was so demanding, was daunting to me. The stress finally got so insurmountable to me that I did get a hit over the head, as if it was my own idea and no one had ever suggested it, I decided that I would go to chiropractic school! Well, as they say, the rest is history! This began my unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and here I am now . . .
